

These are some open source projects that I have worked on in the past.

Secret Santa

Dead simple website to help friends and family create a secret santa list, have others join it, and send out emails with the chosen recipients. Features an exclusion option to not get selected for significant others or others in your household as well as a gift ideas list to help shopping easier.

Capture The Flag Challenges

These are some basic reverse engineering and buffer overflow challenges that I created for the 2017 University of Utah CTF. The solutions to each of the challenges are included in the folder with the binary and source.

Game of Life

This is an experimental piece of software that pits neural networks created using genetic algorithms against each other. It is similar to John Conway's game of life where there are organisms that live on a 2d plane. Unlike the original game of life, the organisms can decide from a subset of actions using a neural network.

LED Patterns

Web application to easily create pixels of images or by painting with a cursor for use in a LED matrix. Has a configurable height and width and allows any image to be made into pixel art.